21.19 - Dordracum, Vulgo Dortt. Me Mosa & Walis, cum Linga, Meruaque, Cingunt, Aeternam Batave Virginis, Ecce, Fidem, ca 1575, by Braun & Hogenberg, Netherlands

This beautiful print from the Civitates Orbis Terrarum “Cities of the World”, depicts a coastal view of Dordrecht over the Merwede. Numerous locations are numbered in the image with a key identifying them at the lower left of the print. Of note, number 13 is the location where representatives of Dutch towns declared their independence from Spain and elected William Orange as their leader in 1572. This action was the beginning of the Dutch Revolt and the Eighty Year War. The map is rated Excellent [see our rating criteria on the Home Page] there are two minor short tears, professionally repaired at the centerfold area confined to the blank margin. French text on the verso. The print measures approximately (19.4″ x 12.1″ – 49.3 x 30.8 cm).